T – Z

TALLEY Liz, His uptown girl

THOMAS Jodi,Série The wife lottery

  1. The texan’s wager
  2. When a texan gambles
  3. A texan’s luck

THOMAS Sherry, Ravishing the heiress

THOMAS Sherry, Private arrangements (Arrangements privés)

VALPY Fiona, The french for love

VAN CAUWELAERT Didier, La demi-pensionnaire

VON HAFF Jo Ann, La réelle hauteur des hommes

WADE Becky, My stubborn heart

WATSON Penny, Lumberjack in love

WEBB Mary, Precious bane (Sarn)

WEBSTER Jean, Daddy long-legs (Papa longues-jambes)

WEINER Jennifer, In her shoes (Chaussure à son pied)

WENDELL Sarah & TAM Candy, Beyond heaving bosoms

WENDELL Sarah, Everything I know about love

WIGGS Susan, Just breathe (La maison du pacifique)

WIGGS Susan, Série Calhoun Chronicles

  1. The charm school (L’éducation amoureuse)
  2. The horsemaster’s daughter (Un printemps en Virginie)
  3. Halfway to heaven (Destins blessés)
  4. Enchanted afternoon (Le pavillon du lac)
  5. A summer affair (L’aventurière)

WIGGS Susan, Summer at Willow lake (Un été au Lac des saules)

WILLIG Lauren, Série Pink carnation

  1. The secret history of the Pink carnation
  2. The masque of the Black tulip
  3. The deception of the Emerald ring
  4. The seduction of the Crimson rose
  5. The temptation of the Night jasmine
  6. The betrayal of the Blood lily
  7. The mischief of the Mistletoe
  8. The Orchid affair
  9. The Garden intrigue

WOODIWISS Kathleen E., A rose in winter (Une rose en hiver)

WORTH Jennifer, Call the midwife

WYND Oswald, Une odeur de gingembre

WYNNE JONES Diana, Howl’s moving castle (Le chateau de Hurle)

YOUNG Samantha, On Dublin street (Dublin street)

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